Hello People today, I would like to talk to you all and share few opinions and views on the current social issues in India.
Off the late my while I was checking my Whatsapp status updates, Facebook Posts, Instagram stories and Twitter tweets there was a constant concern and anger expressed by our youth on the recent issue about Asifa at Jammu District. On hearing the issue I was completely mad at the people who were responsible and was taken aback how our society was degrading day by day, and like thousands of my pals, even I started putting up statuses and doing other stuff on social media to address this problem, but later I was struck by few questions which have started to make me think 
1)  How much does posting stuff on social media help?
2) What is the root cause of all this trouble for women?
when I started searching the answers to my questions I was completely taken aback by my findings.
Here are my findings and what I wanted to share with you all :-
Image result for rape statistics in india 2017


Posting a post on facebook or changing WhatsApp statuses or DP's wouldn't even fetch a single penny for the victim in 90% of the cases because most of the people would simply ignore it, and  here is what I found in the writings of the popular writing of a writer regarding this issue, he was stating that "Social Networking sites are nothing but a virtual commodes for people to dump their opinion on and then conveniently presume their job's done. Their only agenda is feel good about themselves by convincing themselves that ejecting thoughts is responsible an act as producing an action. How many of them really go out of their way in the real world and do something about a matter? "
This person completely changed my views and yes now after watching the video link I put in the comments section regarding the condition of Asifa's family at the moment how many of you are ready to come forward and help them at the moment? How many of you are ready to leave aside your daily chores and walk with me to protest against this issue?
Practically none I guess or maybe just a handful I guess.
 So now tell me my friend would your status or post or story or tweet express your concern definitely, but would it bring justice to the victim?
If no then what are the possible solutions then? How to raise your voice against this?
Maybe my answers to the second question can speak with you

 Image result for rape statistics in india 2017


What do you think is the root cause of all these problems, maybe I can hear some common list of reasons from you all
1) Dressing Style of women
2) Misuse of Freedom by the youth
3) Lack of laws of Justice and negligence amongst the officials
4) Lack of Social Responsibility and Culture
5) Immature behavior by the youth in digesting the rejected love proposals 
6) Personal Grudge and Personal Benefits
Well, now we have so many reasons in front of us, let us try doing some lateral analysis and try finding an answer and a long-term solution to this problem.
Image result for reasons for a rapeImage result for reasons for a rape


If really the dressing style of women was a problem? then why only rape cases in India are quite common? why not in the Western Countries?
If you say that the rules in Western Countries are very strict, do you think a breach never occurs if you have strict rules or a strict governing body, no never an equal importance is given to the citizen's mindset and fear of God and law because once a criminal decides to commit a crime, nothing would stop him/her.


Misuse of freedom by our youth is quite a common reason I was hearing from most of the elder community, but I have a question to all of my elders
Wasnt it you who gave the freedom to our generation? Wasnt it you who taught Liberty, Love Culture, Ethics and Values to us and despite all of this still, your ward commits a crime, I kindly request you to remember that He/She is your blood and your way of upbringing him/her too has failed.


My dear friend do you think violence is the only option to satisfy your wound? If brutal punishments were the only solution then why arent and Dictatorships prevailing today in the world?


How are we supposed to blame the Political Leaders when it is we who are electing them on the basis of caste, creed, and money?
How are you gonna blame the officials when none of you are willing to become an eyewitness to the case and react to the situation? Most of you simply want an action without any response?
When most of you are half knowledged jerks and are just ready to criticize and believe fools and get easily influenced by the bureaucrats
how do you think a change is gonna occur?
Of course, you might question me "If I alone respond is everything gonna change?"
But you are forgetting that what if the entire population thinks like you?


I may call this a possible reason for all the crimes happening against women today.


Image result for save a girl

I tried to express a small thought and opinion of mine by expressing it in the form of this article, now I humbly request the entire youth to think deep, search for long-term solutions and check this problem and bring justice of Asifa, Nirbhaya and many many more sisters who were brutally.......
 I deeply apologize to all of my viewers if I had hurt the sentiments of any of them.

JAI HIND!!!!!!


  1. Here is a video link that describes the present condition of Asifa's family

  2. Please do sign this Petition and help bringing jusice for Asifa, a humble request to all of you 🙏🙏🙏

  3. Great
    Will try to help some from my side


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