
Showing posts with the label Who are you? What do you want? How far are you willing to go?

Who, What, Where Am I?

Hello to all my dear readers! Long-time haa! I am sure many interesting, amazing things must have been happening in all of your lives! Well 2019 has come to an end... and I have a so much to share with you all Today! I wanna share my true feelings with you all........ A decade has gone by.. I made friends..lost friends..found love...lost love...inspired people...destroyed people..developed maturity...tension...thoughts....hobbies...responsibilities...etc etc etc.... Isn't it truly amazing to see so many changes in us? I mean imagine 10 years! 10 years guys! I am literally bewildered, confused, shocked, impressed, amazed thinking what I had evolved into since 2010. From Mommy! feed me to Amma! let me feed you Daddy! Buy this (Draining his pocket) to Dad! I topped...I earned..I wanna fly Initially, I thought "Wow! I have become a MAN from a BOY!" However, recently I read something beautiful from the Mahabharatha (Balarama...