SHIVA Vs Modern Physics

Hello Readers!!

Hope you are all doing well and keeping safe amidst the global crisis. 

This post has been my dream ever since I started writing. I want to glorify how much advanced we were and what kind of technology was available to us right during ancient times.

Would you believe me if the Theory of Relativity, BigBang, Black Body Radiation, Atomic Bomb, Energy, Encryption etc all have been detailedly described in our ancient texts? and Shiva the supreme being of the universe according to Hindu scriptures is more of a radioactive material himself?

In order to begin with a very simple illustration, we all know that 1,1,2,3,5,8..... is the Fibonacci series discovered by Leonardo Fibonacci in 1202 AD. However, would you believe if this very same sequence is also called as the Pingala series mentioned in the book called Chandahsastra written during 3rd/2nd BCE??

Such is the greatness of ancient India and culture.

The true facts behind the BARC Reactor design:

Shivling: A real source or Atomic Energy | Spiritual Affair

The nuclear reactor present at the Baba Atomic Research Centre shape and structure has been taken from a Shiv Ling. The similarities are so obvious to neglect.

Shiv often referred to as Bholenath, the one who fulfils our desires. If we tend to look at this point in a scientific way, nuclear energy the right renewable energy solution to fulfil our technological needs.

Moving on to the science which connects the Shivling and the Nuclear reactor: The cylindrical shape of the core nuclear reactor is identical to the cylindrical structure of the Shivling. Analogous to the Shivling, the nuclear reactor too needs a constant supply of water in order to cool down the heat generated by the nuclear reactor during the process of generation. If we deeply observe the coils around the reactor employed for disposing of the water are again similar to the coils present around a Shivling.

It's only in a Shiv temple that the water flowing from the lingam isn't consumed as holy water (Thirtham). Why? The case of the water from the Ling and the Reactor is same, they are charged.

Why most of the Shiv temples always found close to a water body again close to our modern nuclear power plants? That's because the Shivling just like our reactors require a lot of water for cooling the core. Would you believe that no one is allowed to cross the spout of a Shiv Lingam during the circumambulation (Pradhikshana)? People have to turn back as soon as they approach the spout because the spout represents irradiated water.

Nuclear Bomb and Bhagwad Gita

The Bhagavad-Gita, Oppenheimer and Nuclear weapons | Hindu Human ...

Oppenheimer often referred a the "Father of the atom bomb" after witnessing the first successful detonation of the bomb in 1945 has quoted "Now I am become death, destroyer of the worlds"

Those who are familiar with Gita and Sanskrit would immediately recognize and relate themselves to this line "I am become time to end the world, set on my course to destroy the universe." Time to end means death in Sanskrit.

What might be the reason for Oppenheimer to quote these words? Was he trying to refer that he has invented the way to the ultimate destruction? Is he considering Krishna, the ultimate on who can wield havoc with his Sudarshan Chakra and Brahmasthra???

Mount Kailash: A Manmade Pyramid?

Mount Kailash Pyramid, Kailash Pyramid

Mount Kailash the heavenly abode of the Mahadev has always housed many mysteries in it. Here are some facts surrounding it:

1) Often referred as Axis Mundi, Navel of the World, the World Pillar, Kang Tise which all literally translate into "centre of the universe/world". It is also called as the Swastika Mountain, Sumeru

2) Kailash beauty lies in its unique shape. It has 4 flat faces wherein each face corresponds with the cardinal points of a magnetic compass and this hints at the man-made pyramids instead of natural creation. The sides are almost perpendicular to the ground and the drop is so magnificent. One can observe the horizontal strata of stone layers with clear differentiation between the strata.

3) Despite being situated geographically in a mountain range, Sumeru-the spiritual core of the world- is surrounded by the origin of 4 eternally important rivers-Indus, Brahmaputra, Sutlej and Karnali (a tributary of the Ganges). Two lakes lie at the foothills of the Sumeru. Manasarovar lake, one of the biggest freshwater lakes in the world resembling a round shape of the sun. The lower lake Rakshstal is a saltwater lake and is shaped like a crescent which again symbolizes the moon. Two lakes representing the solar and lunar energy a perfect explanation that man might have created this sacred spot.

4) The contrast between the snow and rock and phenomenon of light and shadow, one can decipher the swastika symbol.

5) A study by Russians made them declare the mountain to be a manmade pyramid. Their study also revealed that the mountain was a nucleus of a much bigger network of smaller pyramids.

Mount Kailas Nuclear Reactor, revealed by Russian Scientists ... The west side face curvature measures 108 degrees (the divine Vedic number). The north face is much less concave-just 30 degrees, however, when we add this to the curve of the ridge that adjoins mount Kailash we again end up with 108 degrees.

All these findings and details are too magnificent and specific to be called as mere coincidences. In fact the spectrum of time and the origin of the universe are even more beautifully described in the Srimad Bhagavatham which will be my next article if I receive a good response for this!!!

All references and sources shall be put up in the comments section within 24hours of publishing this article.

Thank you my dear readers! See you again


  1. Great one buddy! Keep it up ☺️

  2. It's always the mystery, another fact to add up, Lord Vishnu came to earth when he was kicked by bhrigu maharishi and settled in venkatachalam, now popular as Tirumala. The incident was 200 crore years old as mentioned by some Vedic transcripts which converts to 2 billion years ago, which literally is approximately the time when major life form evolved and life is possible on earth, we might me technologically advanced history has the proof for more sophisticated and complex. Modern era tend to prove it scientifically with results and conclusions.
    By the way great work ��

  3. Howsoever Man scientifically Must & Should be kept in our minds that this scientifical advancement is with the ALMIGHTY's WILL itself. Man is HIS instrument.
    This beloved boy, PRANAV's this analytical endeavour is really commendable.
    He will definitely prove himself as a perennial ASSET of this World with the abundant mercy of the ALMIGHTY.
    ....My Fond blessings to him.

  4. Howsoever Man scientifically Must & Should be kept in our minds that this scientifical advancement is with the ALMIGHTY's WILL itself. Man is HIS instrument.
    This beloved boy, PRANAV's this analytical endeavour is really commendable.
    He will definitely prove himself as a perennial ASSET of this World with the abundant mercy of the ALMIGHTY.
    ....My Fond blessings to him.

  5. References:
    1) Books by Amish Tripathi
    2) Books by Ashwin Sanghi

  6. The Analysis and co relating science with Myth or Hindu Gods is simply appreciable , keep going


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