Who, What, Where Am I?
Hello to all my dear readers! Long-time haa! I am sure many interesting, amazing things must have been happening in all of your lives! Well 2019 has come to an end... and I have a lot..so much..so so much to share with you all Today! I wanna share my heart..my true thoughts..my feelings with you all........ A decade has gone by.. I made friends..lost friends..found love...lost love...inspired people...destroyed people..developed maturity...tension...thoughts....hobbies...responsibilities...etc etc etc.... Isn't it truly amazing to see so many changes in us? I mean imagine 10 years! 10 years guys! I am literally bewildered, confused, shocked, impressed, amazed thinking what I had evolved into since 2010. From Mommy! feed me to Amma! let me feed you Daddy! Buy this (Draining his pocket) to Dad! I topped...I earned..I wanna fly Initially, I thought "Wow! I have become a MAN from a BOY!" However, recently I read something beautiful from the Mahabharatha (Balarama...